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Feldenkrais Movement Series, Weds, July 12, 19, 26, 7-8PM


  Zoom Series - $45 Single class - $18 Coordinated, connected, sequential motion is how humans avoid injury and create emotional resonance with themselves.  These classes offer a gentle opportunity to shed some of  the work and armor you carry.  In the privacy of your own space, you can find deep rest, connect to yourself—and […]

Feldenkrais Movement Class, 2/3, 7-8PM


  Zoom This is class 2/3. We'll be lying down in this one. Single class - $18 Coordinated, connected, sequential motion is how humans avoid injury and create emotional resonance with themselves.  These classes offer a gentle opportunity to shed some of  the work and armor you carry.  In the privacy of your own space, […]

Feldenkrais Movement Class, 3/3, 7-8PM


  Zoom This is class 3/3. It will be a standing class to play with ankle movement and balance. Single class - $18 Coordinated, connected, sequential motion is how humans avoid injury and create emotional resonance with themselves.  These classes offer a gentle opportunity to shed some of  the work and armor you carry.  In […]

Awareness Through Movement


Feldenkrais Awareness Through Movement Class. Looking for a practice that connects you to your moving self, yet does not involve competition, striving or harsh judgement? A. practice that is as healthy for your emotional state as it is for your joints and muscles? A practice that will help you coordinate parts of yourself that living […]

Free Feldenkrais Intro Class and Q&A


Remember when moving felt great? If you've been wondering what the Feldenkrais Method is, and how/why it works, please join me for this free intro class. I love introducing the Feldenkrais method to new people and engaging with long-time students. Whichever you are, I'm looking forward to seeing you! Feldenkrais classes gently draw you into […]

Awareness Through Movement


Feldenkrais Awareness Through Movement Class. Looking for a practice that connects you to your moving self, yet does not involve competition, striving or harsh judgement? A. practice that is as healthy for your emotional state as it is for your joints and muscles? A practice that will help you coordinate parts of yourself that living […]

Awareness Through Movement


Feldenkrais Awareness Through Movement Class. Looking for a practice that connects you to your moving self, yet does not involve competition, striving or harsh judgement? A. practice that is as healthy for your emotional state as it is for your joints and muscles? A practice that will help you coordinate parts of yourself that living […]

Awareness Through Movement


Feldenkrais Awareness Through Movement Class. Looking for a practice that connects you to your moving self, yet does not involve competition, striving or harsh judgement? A. practice that is as healthy for your emotional state as it is for your joints and muscles? A practice that will help you coordinate parts of yourself that living […]

Awareness Through Movement


Feldenkrais Awareness Through Movement Class. Looking for a practice that connects you to your moving self, yet does not involve competition, striving or harsh judgement? A. practice that is as healthy for your emotional state as it is for your joints and muscles? A practice that will help you coordinate parts of yourself that living […]
