It’s always interesting to me when regular clients come into my office and notice something that’s been there the whole time. A piece of art on the wall, a small […]
Is there an activity you did when you were younger that still makes for wonderful memories? For me, it was ice skating every winter. I loved it and always wanted […]
I will always respect your dignity and your story. If you live with chronic pain, all parts of your story are important. Your history of activity, injury, work habits and […]
Curious to know more about how a Feldenkrais practitioner helps clients reduce or eliminate chronic pain without drugs or surgery? Here are four fundamental strategies that a Feldenkrais practitioner uses—and […]
Your body is the first place you live and the only home you are guaranteed from your birthday until your last day. It can be a home filled with […]
Just last week, I was working with a client who had a serious accident several years ago. He came to my office racked with non-specific and chronic pain. During the […]
When people ask, I tell them that I was a dancer, then massage therapist and then Feldenkrais teacher. It’s linear and convenient. It’s accurate. But it’s only a slice of […]
It’s very common for people to tell me that they inherited their bunions and flat feet from their parents or grandparents. They seem resigned to enduring progressive, painful conditions. […]
You’re earnestly trying to find relief from your neck/back or shoulder discomfort. A well-meaning friend or professional told you that improving your posture will help you. So you do your […]
Let’s Call her Jody . . . . . An important part of my job as a Feldenkrais practitioner is honing my observation skills. I watch how people live in […]